Five 'feel good' activities to pass the time in lock down
As we all know, this isolation period can bring about a whirl wind of emotions from stress and anxiety, to boredom and a lack of motivation. One of the most important things to remember during these unprecedented times is to do what ever makes you happy! So here are five 'feel good' activities you can do, not only to pass the time in isolation but also to cheer yourself up and maintain some sort of 'normal'.
1. Give yourself a good old pamper
We are all used to leading busy lifestyles, early mornings, late nights and a lack of self care... am I right ladies? So whilst we can, take time to pamper yourself, whether that be a face mask, having a long soak in the bath, painting your nails or even just an early night. There is so much pressure on us to stay productive during lock down such as exercising and cleaning but this bit of self care will give you time to relax, be with your thoughts and relieve the stresses of everyday life.
2. Clean out your wardrobes!
I'm sure this particular activity has been on the to do list for months and with it being a long process, we all put it off. However, it is such a good activity to pass the time in lock down. You'll dig out pieces that you will have forgotten about and also come across pieces that are ready for a new home, which someone else will love. This activity will not only create space in your wardrobe but will also clear your mind, as they say, 'tidy room, tidy mind', and will make you feel refreshed and productive, boosting your motivation whilst in isolation.
3. Have a boogie
Personally, the thing getting me through lock down is my go to Spotify playlist. My playlist is full of groovy tunes from my favourite artists such as: Tame Impala, Wolf Alice, Clairo, Queen and Blossoms. Creating your own playlist with your favourite 'feel good' tunes will make you want to get up and dance, puts you in a fantastic mood and also helps to put the 'c' word to the back of your mind for a few minutes. If you don't want to dance alone, then how about you and your pals get on Skype and all have a dancing session together!
4. Getting ready (to go to the kitchen)
Although we are stuck indoors, keeping some sort of normality can really help you to stay motivated and productive during lock down. Doing your hair, makeup and putting on your favourite outfit can really give you the boost you need to get things done and if you look good you will feel good, trust me! Getting out of your pj's and into your favourite fit can brighten the mood for the rest of your day. Recently I have been loving wearing the Saturday by Megan Ellaby Dana Tee, it fits like a dream!
5. Creativity is Key!
This is the perfect time to get the creative juices flowing! There are many ways to be creative during isolation including: painting, changing your room around, DIY's and up-cycling clothes. Recently bleaching clothes has been extremely popular (especially with the glorious weather that hit the UK over the last couple of weeks) and it's such a fun and easy way of transforming your clothes and falling back in love with them. Alternatively, if you have little kiddies bored at home, gardening and chalking are also great, creative pass times.
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