Five 'feel good' activities to pass the time in lock down
As we all know, this isolation period can bring about a whirl wind of emotions from stress and anxiety, to boredom and a lack of motivation. One of the most important things to remember during these unprecedented times is to do what ever makes you happy! So here are five 'feel good' activities you can do, not only to pass the time in isolation but also to cheer yourself up and maintain some sort of 'normal'. 1. Give yourself a good old pamper We are all used to leading busy lifestyles, early mornings, late nights and a lack of self care... am I right ladies? So whilst we can, take time to pamper yourself, whether that be a face mask, having a long soak in the bath, painting your nails or even just an early night. There is so much pressure on us to stay productive during lock down such as exercising and cleaning but this bit of self care will give you time to relax, be with your thoughts and relieve the stresses of everyday life. 2. Clean out your wardro...